Stitch Along with Adorable Kid-Friendly Cactus Cards

Jun 12, 2015

DIY Easy Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

It seems that everywhere I turn right now, I see a cactus. As a little girl, my grandpa always had a grouping of mini cacti growing. I can’t tell you how tempted I was to touch them, but I never did (not even the ones that looked fuzzy), because let’s face it, cacti (at least real cacti) aren’t exactly kid-friendly.

After all these years, I finally have a solution for cacti-loving kids (and grown-ups). I’ve drawn up some cute cactus friends that are much safer to play with than the kinds you have water. Thread gives texture to the cards, which little ones will love running their hands over, plus it’s a great starter craft for young stitchers. All the things I love wrapped up into one adorable craft!

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

What You Need

  • Cactus Stitching Cards Template: download here
  • Card stock
  • Cardboard or styrofoam (for hole punching)
  • Needle with a large eye
  • Embroidery floss
  • Scissors
  • Tape


Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Step 1
Print the cards onto card stock, then cut them out. Place the card on a piece of corrugated cardboard or styrofoam and use the needle to punch a hole at the ends of each cactus needle.

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Step 2
Cut a piece of embroidery floss (about 18 inches is probably good.) You can use the embroidery floss just as it comes out of the skein, or you can separate it into thinner pieces. To do this, divide the thread into two sections of three strands each. Slowly pull them apart, then let them untwist on their own.

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Step 3
Tie a knot in one end of the embroidery floss and thread the other end through the needle. Sometimes the knot can pop through the hole, so it’s a good idea to secure the end with a small piece of tape on the back side of the card.

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Step 4
Starting from the back, stitch through the pre-punched holes, taking the thread over each cactus needle, and threading it back through the corresponding hole.

When bringing the needle from the back to the front, I find that it’s best to flip the card over so you can see what you’re doing and so you don’t end up making extra holes.

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Step 5
When you reach the end of your embroidery floss, flip the card over and secure it with a knot and another piece of tape. You’re then ready to start with another piece of thread and keep stitching!

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

After you’ve stitched one card, you’ll want to do more and more. You can frame them or simply stick them up on the fridge for some fun, touchable, and not-so-prickly cactus art.

Easy DIY Cactus Stitching Cards for Kids

Happy Cactus Crafting!

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