Classic Christmas Stories

Dec 22, 2014

Classic Christmas Stories

Every Christmas, I remember carefully tip-toeing down the hall to spy on my mom wrapping presents. With each sound of scissors chomping down on crinkling paper, I envisioned the roller skates I’d pined after for months. But sure enough, every year my mom caught me hiding under the kitchen table, plotting to sneak a peek. Everyone wants to know what’s inside Santa’s magic red bag!

Classic Christmas Stories Classic Christmas Stories Classic Christmas Stories

Now that I’m creating Christmas magic with my own children, I’ve realized setting the scene is just as exciting as Christmas morning itself. Last year Balsam Hill gave us a beautiful new tree, and this year we’re partnering with them again to share even more Christmas goodies with you guys. Gorgeous garlands, adorable nutcrackers, large than life wreaths — we’re talking Miracle on 34th Street meets your living room.

Join us over the next two weeks as we tell holiday tales, check in with Christmas decorating expert Dagmar Obert, and exchange recipes. And we’re making the season even brighter with a massive Balsam Hill giveaway! From a breathtaking 9-foot Noble Fir to the most stunning ornament sets of all time, you will have several chances to win over the next two weeks. Be sure to check back tomorrow for the first chance to win!

In the meantime, read about the wreath decorating contest I co-hosted at the Balsam Hill showroom in San Francisco. It was a whopping ribbon wrapping good time! You can get in on the excitement here.

Classic Christmas Stories

What’s your Christmas story?

This post is sponsored by Balsam Hill.

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