Pop-Up Holiday Gift Tags

Dec 22, 2014


Wrapping gifts is like baking a cake. The presents are the cake, gift wrap is the icing, and the gift tag is the all-important cherry on top! This year I’m upping my wrapping routine with Fiskars Tag Makers. The all-in-one tool punches a perfect tag shape, makes a precisely centered hole, and sets an eyelet with ease. This will forever be an indispensable part of your holiday assembly line. It produces as many tags as you have punching power!

Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tag

There are currently four designs to choose from — each shape beautiful and stylish in its own right. After stocking up, I started to imagine all the endless creative possibilities. Turn one tag upside down, add a mustache, and you’ve got Santa.

Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tag

Create a reindeer by adding a big bright nose, two eyes and some antlers to this classic label tag.

Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tag

And with just a few simple geometric shapes, another is a cute little nutcracker! With the Fiskars Tag Makers at your crafting table, you can create these tags with a few pieces of construction paper. By gluing two tags together, you can make a tiny envelope with a surprise pop-up message hidden inside. Scroll down to learn how to make each of our little tag buddies and download the free printable with a merry message.

Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tag

What You Need

  • Fiskars Simple Tag Maker
  • Fiskars Label Tag Maker
  • Fiskars Standard Tag Maker
  • Fiskars Softgrip Craft Knife
  • Fiskars 1/4” Circle Hand Punch
  • Fiskars Seal of Approval Squeeze Punch
  • Colorful Construction Paper
  • Glue or Double-Sided Tape
  • Merry Message Pop-Up Printable (download here)


Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tags
  1. Insert your paper into the lower slot of the Fiskars Tag Maker. Press the orange handle to punch the tag shape. Do this step twice to create a front and back for your tag envelope.
  2. Insert one of the tags into the upper slot and press the orange handle to punch a hole.
  3. Assemble the eyelet by placing the tag hole on the post with the eyelet on top. Press the orange handle to set the eyelet. It should fit snug on the tag.
  4. Use your craft knife, circle hand punch, and any other Fiskars punches you choose to create adorable geometric faces out of the construction paper. (We used the “Seal of Approval” squeeze punch to create the fluffy ball on Santa’s cap.) Assemble all the pieces with the glue or double-sided tape.

Fiskars Gift Wrap Pop Up Tags
Finally, download and print the Merry Message Pop-Up Printable. Cut out the merry messages and slip them inside the envelopes for your friends to find.

And there you have it folks…It’s a tag. It’s an ornament. It’s a keepsake. If giving is receiving, you just hit the jackpot. Merry Wrapping!

Click here to check out the Fiskars Tag Maker collection!

One More Thing...

We all know gift wrapping and hot chocolate go hand-in-hand, so we thought that we would share a few of our favorite hot chocolate recipes…

S’mores Hot Chocolate

Smores Hot Cocoa

This recipe by the Minimalist Baker is a perfect way to bring the summer magic of s’more into the holidays.

Pumpkin Pie White Hot Chocolate

Pumpkin Pie Hot Chocolate

With Thanksgiving just around the corner this Pumpkin Pie White Hot Chocolate recipe from The Recipe Critic is the perfect easy dessert drink to add on to your list!

Nutella Hot Chocolate With Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Nutella Hot Chocolate

Well Hello Nutella Hot Chocolate with Cinnamon Whipped Cream! The Sweetest Occasions must know about my obsession with Nutella.

This post is sponsored by Fiskars.

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