New Handmade Charlotte Kits at Pottery Barn Kids

Mar 2, 2015

New Handmade Charlotte Craft Kits at Pottery Barn Kids

We’re thrilled to announce the new Handmade Charlotte DIY Kits, now available exclusively at Pottery Barn Kids. Yay! We’ve kept this one under wraps for a while, which hasn’t exactly been easy. Now it’s time for high fives all around!

We collaborated with the talented crew at PBK to create a collection of mantle-worthy projects that would make it into the “save forever” pile. Not a throwaway kids’ activity, but an heirloom craft made with quality materials that will stand the test of time. And, of course, the craft had to be lots of fun for little ones as well :)

New Handmade Charlotte Craft Kits at Pottery Barn Kids New Handmade Charlotte Craft Kits at Pottery Barn Kids

The Handmade Charlotte Kits are packaged to be stored on a shelf like a favorite family board game, to be taken out over and over again. Rather than filling the kit with supplies to make a set number of projects, we included templates where possible to make as many projects as your crafty heart desires. That way your kids can keep practicing their craft without needing to purchase another kit.

New Handmade Charlotte Craft Kits at Pottery Barn Kids

We will be introducing a new Handmade Charlotte Kit every day this week, so stay tuned! Friday we will be making a special announcement that you won’t want to miss :)

Shop the new Handmade Charlotte Kits at Pottery Barn Kids!

Styling by Meta Coleman, photography by Jessica Peterson

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