Top 12 most beautiful flowers in the world

Mar 20, 2015

Henry Beecher once said: "Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul." We could not agree more! In fact, God is an artist and flowers are perhaps one of his best creations! The flowers have a very short life, but certainly very important. For centuries, this wonderful gift of nature allowed us to express our emotions and feelings! Beauty, fragrance and bright colors are enough to make a person smile. A beautiful bouquet of fragrant flowers can be a perfect gift for any occasion, be it birthdays, anniversaries or weddings! A number of flowers are also used to make cosmetics and medicines and many of them have a meaning or a meaning (for example, the red rose is the symbol of love!).

Roses, carnations, tulips, sunflowers, dahlias ... and the list continues. With so many options to choose from, selecting 12 most beautiful flowers in the world is certainly not an easy thing to do .. Here is a list of the 12 most beautiful flowers in the world!

12. Passion Flower

Passionflower is a perennial plant with over 50 species and belongs to the Passifloraceae. This white flower and purple blue ten petals and sepals and is about 10 inches wide. What I like about the passion flower is its original shape. In addition to being an exceptional beauty, this exotic flower has great medicinal value.

11. Gazania

Gazania is native to South Africa, where it is also known as "treasure flower." The best thing about this flower is that it is available in a variety of strange pattern and bright colors such as shades of pink, dark red, yellow and orange. The petals of this beautiful flower come in single colors, as well as progressive tones. This Hardy beauty with daisy like flowers definitely deserves a spot on the list of most beautiful flowers in the world!

10. Plumeria

Frangipani, who hails from Brazil, the Caribbean and Central America, comes in several varieties. It belongs to the family of the dogbane, Apocynaceae and is known for its aroma and fascinating beauty. Plumeria has medium sized flowers that come in a variety of bright colors like pink, red, yellow and more.

9. Chrysanthemum

Carolus Linnaeus, the father of modern taxonomy, gave this beautiful flower its name, which means "golden flower" in Greek ("Chrys" means gold and 'anthemon' means flower). The flowers come in many forms, they can be buttons, pompous, decorative or as margarita. Although yellow are the traditional colors of chrysanthemum flowers, they can also be found in other colors including red, white, and violet.

Chrysanthemum flowers are extremely important, not only because these beautiful, they also have a number of meanings associated with them. Chrysanthemum symbolizes optimism, long life, fidelity and joy.


8. Dahlia

The name of Anders Dahl, botanist, this thick tuberous perennial plant is commonly found in Mexico, Colombia and Central America. Dalia has more than 30 species. One of the most surprising of this beautiful flower is that it comes in a variety of sizes, ranging from 2 to (Dahlia button) to a foot (plate dahlia) !! The flower consists of a floral head surrounded by several delicate petals. These flowers come in different shades of orange, red, pink, purple, white and more. Dahlia was declared national flower of Mexico in 1963.


7. Orchids

Orchids have a large number of varieties, more than 25 000 species in 800 genera! This plant can easily adapt to their environment and is available almost everywhere. With its beautifully crafted petals and bright colors, orchids are a favorite among lovers of flowers and florists around the world! Did you know that some orchids petals 30 inches and can weigh about a ton?

6. Tulip

This perennial plant with showy flowers in the genus tulip. From Asia to Africa, the tulip is one of the most cultivated flowers. Several species and hybrids of this exceptionally beautiful flower can be seen in the garden, cut flowers or pot. Tulips come in different colors and shape of the flower. There are over 100 known species of this amazing plant.

5. Water Lilies

The lilies are beautiful flowers that come with a carpet of floating leaves (lily). Flowering lasts about three days and then replaced. Lilies come in different colors and are often fragrant. Basically there are three types of water lilies- Nymphaeaceae or shared water lily, Nelumbo or Lotus Water Lily and yellow, yellow lily.

Nelumbo lutea and Nelumbo nucifera are two known species of Nelumbo. In addition to being the national flower of Vietnam and India, N. nucifera is considered sacred by followers of Buddhism and Hinduism. Yellow water lily belongs to temperate region of Europe, West Asia and North Africa. Nymphaeaceae consists of more than 70 species

4. Magnolia

Few things are as beautiful as a magnolia in bloom! The name of Pierre Mangol, folk botany, Mongolia has over 200 species. Magnolia flowers are pink, purple or white, and size can not be anywhere from 3 to 12 inches in diameter. This flower is a symbol of beauty, gentleness and femininity. Magnolia kind can be found in the Caribbean, Southeast and East Asia, Central America, North America, among others.


3. Calla Lily

A symbol of the greatness and beauty, Calla Lily is a beautiful flower, which is widely used in floral arrangements, bouquets and decorative purposes. These flowers are native to South Africa. Calla Liles are carved unique and come in various colors such as shades of green, yellow, pink, purple and more.


2. Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise, an unusual name for a flower, right? Well, this exotic flower called Bird of Paradise have their way. Also known as the crane flower and belongs to the Strelitiaceae family. With its unique shape and bright colors, the bird of paradise is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful flowers available in the world. This colorful flower has no smell.

1. Rose

Oh, yes, most of the "top most beautiful flowers" reserve lists out there at number one for this. This smell beautiful flower has everything it takes to be the most beautiful flower in the world. It would not be wrong to say that the rose is synonymous with beauty and love. This perennial woody shrub of the genus Rosa '. Roses are found almost everywhere on Earth. This beautiful flower comes in a variety of colors and each color has a different meaning, for example red rose is a symbol of love, while a yellow rose means friendship. Poets of artists rose was an inspiration for people for centuries!

You agree that these are in fact the most beautiful flowers in the world? Are there any other flower that deserves to be on this list? Let me know in the comments section below!


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