Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Apr 6, 2017

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

When I think of Easter, the first food that comes to mind other than eggs is chocolate. Some of my all-time favorite treats are Easter candies – creme eggs, I’m looking at you! Chocolate really is everywhere at Easter, so I thought why not put together a cute and simple project that showcases a healthier option?

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

These fruit salad citrus baskets are the perfect snack for Easter brunch – bright, colorful, tasty, and still sweet! This project was inspired by an idea mentioned a vintage book I picked up recently: Betty Crocker’s Party Book. The book says to empty half a grapefruit, add a ribbon as the handle, and then fill the basket with marmalade – we decided to use patterned paper plates for the handle and to fill them with fruit salad instead. This way, everyone gets their own Easter basket!

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

What You Need

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Scissors
  • Paper plates
  • Oranges and grapefruits


Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Step 1
Cut your oranges and grapefruits in half.

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Step 2
Use a knife and spoon to carefully hollow out the fruit from the peel, putting the fruit in a bowl to the side for now.

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Step 3
Cut a paper plate into strips – these will be the handles for the baskets, so use fun colors or patterns.

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Step 4
Curl the paper plate handle into an upside-down U shape and place into the citrus peel. The handle should stay in place as-is.

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Step 5
Cut up the orange and grapefruit that you removed from the peels, as well as other fruits that you like – we used strawberries, kiwi, and grapes. Serve and enjoy!

Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets Easter Brunch Citrus Baskets

Happy Easter!c

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