DIY Skywriting with Project Kid

Nov 12, 2016

DIY Skywriting with Project Kid

Handmade Charlotte hopped aboard the Project Kid train with Amanda Kingloff to craft and celebrate her second book for the Project Kid series – Crafts That Go! We’re head-over-heels with every single craft in this book.

DIY Skywriting with Project Kid

Our littles and I headed over to our favorite Atlanta kid’s store, Seed Factory. We made cereal-box cars and geared up for a bigger-than-life race with the coolest kids in the city. With the second book in the series, Amanda focused on crafts that “fly, sail, race, and dive” and we love it!

DIY Skywriting with Project Kid DIY Skywriting with Project Kid DIY Skywriting with Project Kid

The beautiful fall day was filled with craft supplies + friends to celebrate at Seed Factory. Thanks again to Project Kid. Handmade Charlotte is forever appreciative to be a apart of your quest to have all kids flying!

Excerpted from Project Kid: Crafts that Go! by Amanda Kingloff (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2016. Photographs by Alexandra Grablewski and Amanda Kingloff

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