Live from Mt. Pom-Pom

Nov 21, 2016

Meet the Artist

Misaki Kawai Studio

Japanese artist Misaki Kazwai works with just about every medium possible – paintings, sculptures, wall murals, furniture, toys, books, even writing her own music. Born to an architect father and a mother who liked to sew and make puppets, her psychedelic craft-art is clearly the perfect combination of their influences. We’re hooked!

Misaki Kawai

“The Doggy Dog” (2011, Malmo Konsthall)

Misaki Kawai

“Big Bubble” exhibition (2011, Malmo Konsthall)

Misaki Kawai

“Wet Shiny Surprise” exhibition (2011, LOYAL Gallery)


Children’s furniture, “Love from Mt. Pom Pom” exhibition (2012, CMA NYC)

Misaki Kawai

Be sure to check out Misaki Kawai’s super fun online shop!

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