DIY Wood Block Turkeys

Nov 29, 2016

DIY Wooden Turkey Decor

Fall is one of my favorite seasons, but boy does it fly by. After Halloween it’s my daughter’s birthday and then Thanksgiving – it’s non-stop! But it’s a good busy, so I can’t complain. As you might know, I am French so Thanksgiving wasn’t a part of my family’s tradition. But since moving to America seventeen years ago, I’ve been celebrating Thanksgiving. I really enjoy taking the time to be thankful, and I make sure to encourage my kids to be thankful too.

DIY Wooden Turkey Decor

This past weekend, we spent time preparing for Thanksgiving and now the house now is ready! I came up with these colorful turkeys – aren’t they fun? You can use them to decorate all over the house, set them up as a centerpiece, or use them as place cards – just write your guests’ names on them. Or if you need an activity to keep the kids busy, have them make these turkeys! Let’s get crafting!

What You Need

DIY Wooden Turkey Decor
  • Wooden cubes (or small boxes)
  • Black paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Construction paper
  • Craft feathers
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • White out


DIY Wooden Turkey Decor
  1. Paint the cubes black and let dry.
  2. In the mean time, cut triangles out of yellow construction paper and raindrops out of red paper. Set aside.
  3. When the cubes are dry, glue down the red raindrop shape and then glue the triangle beak on top to make the turkey faces.
  4. Use white out to make the eyes and draw the pupils with pencil.
  5. Pick out some colored feathers and glue them onto the back of your cube. Let dry.
DIY Wooden Turkey Decor DIY Wooden Turkey Decor

Voila! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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